He was in a dead-end job however, doing accounting work that became routine. 不过他遇到了工作的死胡同:做着例行公事的会计工作。
Plug-in interfaces support a variety of other capabilities, such as job accounting, cryptographic functions, Message Passing Interface ( MPI), process tracking, and resource selection. 插件接口支持各种其他功能,比如作业统计、加密功能、消息传递接口(MPI)、过程跟踪以及资源选择。
My interview is for a job in an accounting firm. 我要应聘的是一家会计师事务所。
As you can imagine, before that, after her first job, in the "big four" accounting firm audit, every day to work overtime late into the night, endless accounts and tables to deal with. 你能想象吗,在这之前,她毕业之后的第一份工作,是在“四大”会计师事务所做审计,天天加班到深夜,无休止地跟账目和表格打交道。
Job Responsibilities:-Handle daily accounting issues including bookkeeping, vouchers preparation and filings. 工作职责:-处理会计日常事务,包括记账、凭证编制以及归档。
Specify whether to log job accounting information ( for example, user, processor time and memory usage) and set the logging interval. 指定是否记录工作记帐信息(例如,用户、进程时间和内存使用)并设置日志时间间隔。
The job needs an all-rounder who knows sales, accounting, and something about computers. 这项工作需要一个既懂销售、会计、又能略通电脑的全才。
Any applicants for this job should have experience in accounting. 申请这个工作的人都要求有会计方面的经验。
The insurance sector faces around 600 job cuts, with professional services firms such as headhunters accounting for another 300. 保险业将削减大约600个工作岗位,猎头等专业服务公司将削减300个工作岗位。
Many European countries, among them Italy, Ireland, Spain and the UK, were more popular as destinations for job seekers, with work reasons accounting for 30-40 per cent of moves into these countries. 许多欧洲国家,如意大利、爱尔兰、西班牙和英国,是更受求职者欢迎的目的地,工作移民占移民总数的30%至40%。
The features and several main modules of GOS2 which are agora, grip and grip container, security, grid file sys-tem, gird batch job system, grid accounting system were introduced. 介绍了GOS2的特点和社区、网程与网程容器、安全机制、网格文件系统、网格批作业系统以及网格记账系统几个主要模块。
Since planning is such an important part of the manager's job, managerial accounting has strong future orientation. 自从计划成为一个管理者工作的重要组成部分,管理会计有强大的方向指导作用。
Part of Bill's job in accounting is accounts payable. 比尔的会计工作有一部分是处理应付帐款。
There are two basic types of cost accounting systems: job order cost accounting and process cost accounting. counting statements 有两种基本的成本会计方法:分披成本会计与分步成本会计。会计报表的编制方法
Job Responsibilities-Responsible for directing the company's accounting and finance activities ensuring accurate and timely financial reporting. 负责指导公司的会计和财务活动,确保准确且及时出具财务报告;
I have been offered a job with a major accounting company in Los Angeles. 洛杉矶一家大的会计公司要我去工作。
Second, do a good job in accounting Focus on the state treasury to the accounting system of centralized collection and payment system transition; 二是做好会计集中核算制向国库集中收付制过渡工作;三是进一步规范政府采购和收支两条线改革;
The accountant continues education and accountant year careful condition signing up: hold "accountant from job seniority card" all accounting personnel. 会计继续教育及会计年审报名条件:持《会计从业资格证》的所有会计人员。
The job growth has sparked greater interest in accounting on college campuses. 会计行业的火爆也促使报考会计专业的学生越来越多。
In fact, the full complexity of the job, but accounting is not, the cashier is not entirely giving consideration between the two! 其实这个职务满复杂的,是管帐但又不是,是出纳员也不完整是,统筹在两者之间!
Job Requirements: 1.International Trading, Accounting, logistic direct Bachelor degree is must; 工作要求:1。国际贸易,会计,物流等相关专业本科以上学历;
The Development of Accounting Profession and Accounting Higher Vocational Education The training objective, the course design and the teaching mode of accounting higher vocational education should be designed according to the accounting job market and accounting professional qualification. 会计高职教育应根据会计人才市场、会计职业资格设定、会计高职人才培养目标、课程设置和教学模式设定。
In this paper, we attempted to explore the relationships among knowledge sharing, affective commitment, perceived task interdependence and job involvement in accounting firms from the antecedents and outcomes of commitment based empirical data. 本文试图通过对中国会计师事务所的问卷调查,探索在中国的文化背景下,审计人员情感忠诚与工作卷入、感知任务依赖的关系及其对知识共享的影响。
This paper provides some thoughts on the reasons that cause accounting major graduates 'difficulties in finding a job, and points out that it is necessary to reform accounting education and that the reform should centre on improving the quality of teaching to invent new teaching modes. 本文分析了会计专业毕业生就业难的原因,提出了会计教育改革的必要性,指出了高校会计教育发展应以提高质量为核心来构建会计教育教学新模式。
Based on the standard of interior accounting control that has been issued by the Ministry of Finance, and the finance activity and reality of accounting job, the target and dominant content and method of interior accounting control of petroleum enterprise have been discussed. 根据内部会计控制规范,结合石油企业经济活动和会计工作实际,论述了我国石油企业内部会计控制目标、控制重点内容和控制方法。
According to the job of accounting, it is a good way to protect the loans if there is some useful method in business and financial analysis and management. 从银行会计的角度考虑,在会计核算、财务分析方面以及财务管理角度实施相应的措施,是一条切实可行的防范途径。
This article is based on the CTAIS ( China Taxation Administration Information System). I took on the developing job of Tax Planning, Tax Accounting and Tax Statistics subsystem in this project. 本文内容以CTAIS(ChinaTaxationAdministrationInformationSystem,全国税收征管信息系统)为背景完成,我在该项目中承担的是计会统子系统的开发工作。
As the basic job of environmental management, environmental cost accounting plays an important role in the policy, such as the construction of Green GDP Accounting System, environmental cost-benefit analysis, constitute environmental standards, etc. 环境成本核算作为环境管理的基础工作,在绿色国民经济核算体系构建,在涉及环境费用效益分析,在制定适当的环境标准、环境收费等政策时发挥着重要作用。
In essence responding to anti-dumping investigation is the job about accounting adduction, and professional accounting issues are involved in. 关于反倾销应诉,从根本上说就是一种会计举证工作,有很多事项涉及会计的专业问题。